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GOOD NEWS: Our sampling rate of entirely unvaccinated in the USA now exceeds the CDC’s own standards for a “95% reliability rating” by over 4,000%, officially making The Control Group the world’s leading experts, (actually, the only experts) on health stats for entirely unvaccinated people. However, due to the size of the leviathan we’re up against, we’ve decided to increase our sampling rate and reliability factor. We are incredibly grateful to all who have participated so far, and for all the incredible people who’ve devoted time to increasing our sampling rate. God bless you all. You are true HEROES! Now let’s get our sampling rate to exceed the CDC’s own standards by 50K% in the next two months! Let’s make sure nothing can stop us from documenting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 

Download Survey Here 

It is OBVIOUSLY in the interest of “public health” to DOCUMENT the true risks and/or benefits of “unavoidably unsafe” medical interventions mandated by force of state police powers. Only through documentation of a true “control” can the truth be known. Pharma is fighting to eliminate the “control group”. So long as enough of us remain unvaccinated, we represent the most powerful “vaccine safety” evidence available. But this does not become “evidence” until we properly document it.
…..The Survey deadline is April 30, 2020…..


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