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The Covid Deception Is a Power Grab

By Paul Craig Roberts

In a recent interview with Geopolitics & Empire, Hrvoje Moric asked me if there was an explanation for the uniformity of countries’ Covid policies with even the “free world” shutting down civil liberties with tyrannical lockdowns, mask, vaccine, and passport mandates, and falsified pandemic and death data. I said it looked very much like a conspiracy but that I did not understand how such a far-flung conspiracy could have been organized and wondered if it was simply stupidity and lemmings following lemmings over the cliff. If I had read prior to the interview Kees Van Der Pijl’s new book, States of Emergency (Clarity Press, 2022, I would have had a better answer.

Kees Van Der Pijl, an author of distinction, writes that the global ruling class or oligarchy used Covid-19 to seize power by declaring a state of global emergency. He explains that the Information Technology revolution by creating a global information and communication system was ushering in a social transformation inimical to the oligarchy’s hegemony over society. In order to stop this transformation, the global elite used lockdowns, mandates, censorship and controlled narratives to seize control over populations…


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