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‘The Crew Is Vomiting’ – ‘Biohazard’ Forces United Airlines Flight To Divert

By Danielle


A ‘biohazard’ situation forced a United Airlines flight bound for Boston from Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport Sunday morning to divert to Washington DC.

According to the New York Post, Flight 2477 had to undergo “a deep clean” upon landing due to a passenger becoming ill.

The incident apparently was severe enough to cause crew members to become sick and prompt passengers to request masks.

“I talked to the crew and it sounds like it’s quite bad back there. It’s still really bad,” a crew member was heard saying on audio from the flight.

“The crew is vomiting, and passengers all around are asking for masks,” the crew member continued.

“With this kind of being a biohazard I think we need to probably get this plane on the ground asap,” the crew member added.


From the New York Post:

The plane safely landed at Washington Dulles Airport, where none of the plane’s 155 passengers or its six crew members required medical help.

“The aircraft is currently undergoing a deep clean and we are working to get customers on their way to Boston soon,” the airline said…


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