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The Excuse for Dropping the White House Cocaine Case Is a Sham



Two theories are circulating about why the White House Secret Service dropped its investigation into the cocaine discovered in the West Wing. One is that White House officials firmly believed in the old saying “Nobody went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American People.” The other is that every day the White House fails an IQ test. Secret Service agents, Oval Office staff, and national security factotums have placed their hope in number one because there is no other explanation for the laughable excuse that was given to drop what many believe to be a simple case.

To understand the whole story, it’s best to start with the timeline. The White House was evacuated on July 2 after an unknown powder was discovered. Hazmat teams responded. The White House staff went into General Quarters or whatever it is called when there’s a big holy crap. The Executive Branch has a moment.

We now know that the powder was cocaine, or as firefighters called it, “cocaine chloride.” This substance can be used for crack, among other things. The Orb reported that, four days after the drugs had been reported as being found in a constantly changing place within the White House complex, (the East Wing Library, the West Wing lobby, and the area near Situation Room, where employees left their belongings in lockers), CNN, the media wing for the Democrat Party, consulted it. They reported the case would be closed by Monday, July 10th…


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