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The fallout of hiring a ‘trans’ teacher hits one school in Vermont

by John Klar

A recent dispute involving a trans teacher hired to teach social studies at Randolph Union High School (RUHS) in Vermont raises important constitutional questions for all American students and schools.  (The word “all” must be emphasized here, as in “Liberty and Justice for All“).  The question at issue is who is allowed to teach what, and whether “all” teachers and teachings are welcome or appropriate.

Adin Buchanan, the new would-be teacher, identifies as “non-binary, bisexual, and easily confused” in an October 11, 2020 social media post, in which he [using the gender-neutral “he” here —ed.] also posted, “There’s no liberation for some of us until all of us are free.” (emphasis added).

But Adin’s liberties for all are quite free indeed, and clearly extended to a wider than customary span of social studying. In one March 14, 2021 post, he wrote:

Hey y’all I’m remixing one of my healthy sexuality workshops for my new job (target audience teenage boys) and I want your input! I’d love your 1-2 sentence examples of healthy, unhealthy, or even hamful sexual behavior pertaining to that demographic. Bonus points if you label them 1-10 (it’s for a spectrum activity)
. These boys have already gotten a lot of the basics down, so I’m looking for moderately nuanced examples…

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One Comment

  1. jane jane September 16, 2022

    Bravo Sierra.

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