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The Former Disinformation Governance Board Chief Is Back, and She’s Mad



Nina Jankowicz is back, and she’s mad. Jankowicz, you’ll no doubt recall, was the chief of the Biden regime’s ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board, which was ominously part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and was widely reported to be an Orwellian exercise in policing the speech of Americans that strayed from the line of the establishment Left. But Jankowicz insists that the Disinformation Governance Board was nothing like the way it was portrayed. She claims that Fox News’ negative coverage of it spread lies about her, endangered her life as she was inundated with death threats, and even interfered with her ability to bond with her newborn son. (Yeah, she is really throwing the kitchen sink into this one.) Jankowicz has published a video, “Help Nina Fight Fox,” asking for donations to help her sue the beast that ruined her life…


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One Comment

  1. Swordslinger Swordslinger March 4, 2023

    She is gonna destroy herself and her reputation if she keeps doubling down on STUPID.

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