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The Full List Of Anti-Trump Attacks And Harassment This Year Is Stunning

Violent anti-Trump rhetoric, harassment of White House officials and attacks on the president’s supporters have seemingly become the new norm since Trump took office.

In the latest incident on Sunday, Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings joked that it would be a “catastrophe” if anyone saved President Trump from drowning.

The Daily Caller compiled a list of nearly two-dozen incidents alone since January in which Democratic officials made violent jokes about the president and his supporters, Trump officials were harassed in public and other disturbing incidents that lowered the state of discourse.

Here’s the full list:


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1/12: CNN guest Rick Wilson threatens to “gut” a Trump supporter “like a fish”


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One Comment

  1. Doug Miller Doug Miller January 26, 2020

    And the Empire is not through, yet, as it is the Gobaloney Empire ( and Soros and his nefarious foundations) coordinating much of this, feeding it, encouraging it, stoking the fires of hate because the life of the Globaloney Empire will be short-lived through its (then) defunct agents should Trump be re-elected! that is why the US Congress is desperate to get him out of office for their careers will be finished if he stays in, as well as, perhaps, their lives. We can only hope for justice as we’ve not seen it for decades since the locals overran the Athens TN corrupt mob after the war.

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