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The Great Reset: Deep State Globalists Taking Over the World and You!

By Alex Newman

In the not-too-distant future, you will own absolutely nothing, but you will like it and “be happy,” according to the totalitarians and Deep State globalists pushing what they call the “Great Reset.” You will also have no privacy, they say. Everything will change. And yet, somehow, the advocates of this communistic-feudalistic vision of the future — the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the British royal family, and more — have decreed that “you’ll be happy.” Even leftists are freaking out.

After peddling coronavirus lockdowns that crushed the economy and funding riots that terrorized the public under the guise of fighting “systemic racism,” Deep State globalists are stepping in to offer their proposed “solution” to the crises they themselves unleashed. Meet the “Great Reset,” the globalist pipe dream that aims to transform the world and everything in it, supposedly for the benefit of the masses but really for the benefit of the ruling classes. It will involve an entirely new “social contract,” too, its architects say. However, the ideas are not new at all. In fact, aside from the techno-babble, they have plagued humanity for centuries.

The Great Reset scheme was announced over the summer. Right away, top leaders of Big Business, Big Globalism, and Big Government worldwide — including mass-murdering communist tyrants — jumped on the bandwagon. However, aside from The New American magazine, which warned about it last summer shortly after it was announced, almost no U.S. media even mentioned it. Some especially silly propagandists continue to claim it’s a “baseless conspiracy theory” even as its proponents shout about it from the rooftops. But as more and more “alternative” outlets start exposing the agenda, resistance has been growing across America and worldwide….

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