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The Hammer and Scorecard smoking gun: 150,000 Michigan presidential ‘voters’ didn’t vote for Senate

If you want to see how poorly the Democrats planned their theft of the election, just look at their botched math in Michigan.

It isn’t unheard of for voters to not fill out their entire ballot. Ballot measures and lower level offices often do not get the same attention as state and federal races, so voters will often leave parts of their ballots blank because they just don’t know or care enough about it. But the vast majority of people who vote for president also vote on senate and congressional races. That doesn’t seem to be the case this year in Michigan, a hotly contested swing state that magically manufactured enough votes to put Biden over the top at the last minute.

According to current numbers from DecisionDeskHQ, 5,867,609 people in Michigan voted in the presidential election while 5,717,819 voted in the very competitive Senate election. That’s a 149,790 difference. Biden is currently ahead by 145,935 votes.

Some might say that it’s just such a competitive Senate race that many people were torn so they voted for nobody. Unlikely, but okay. Let’s look at Oregon, which is a very blue state known for rampant voter fraud that did not have any risk of flipping to red in either their presidential vote or senate race. There, 2,317,816 voted for president compared to 2,281,011 voting for Senate, a 36,805 difference.

What about a red state with a competitive Senate race like South Carolina? 2,514,124 voted for president while a nearly identical 2,512,793 voted in the Senate race, a mere 1,331 difference. That sounds much more reasonable based on past elections with only a small portion of the electorate abstaining on the Senate.

Are you starting to see a trend? Let’s call it what it is. There are many types of voter fraud, including the well-known commandeered mail-in and absentee ballot gambit where cheaters collect ballots and cast votes illegally for others. We know this was going on in Michigan, but it can be assumed that nearly all of them voted in the senate race as well as the presidential contest. So where do all of these alleged non-senate-voters originate.

For the answer, we turn to “The Hammer” and “Scorecard.” This is a system used by the CIA as well as the Obama administration in 2012 to change voting totals during transfer. It essentially hacks into the interface between polling locations and the state’s repository and changes the totals being reported in near-real-time. In the case of Michigan, it seems highly likely that this was used to give Biden the advantage, and it was done in a clumsy manner that did not also change or add votes in the senate race.

Congressional testimony by Dennis Montgomery in 2015 stated that Joe Biden and Barack Obama used the system in 2012 to secure a win in Florida. Biden knows the system well and would have had it in his back pocket to flash in front of the DNC during his “miraculous” ascension from the bottom of the pack to the Democratic nomination.

South Carolina had 1,331 presidential voters not vote in the senate race. Michigan allegedly had 149,790. If you don’t think that’s suspicious, you’re delusional. This election was hacked. And Trump will win in the end.


One Comment

  1. Joe diddle Joe diddle November 9, 2020

    Excellent example of real time vote flipping.
    Hope they get enough solid evidence to show the skeptics.

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