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The head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced the start of serial deliveries of Zircon hypersonic missiles to the troops


By Top War


The head of the Russian military department, Sergei Shoigu, made a number of important statements during today’s expanded meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Defense.

In particular, according to the minister, deliveries of Zircon anti-ship hypersonic missiles began to the troops.

Recall that the aforementioned missile is a huge problem for Russia’s potential adversaries. It is capable of hitting both surface and ground targets. At the same time, it can be launched from surface ships and submarines, and today none of the existing foreign air defense / missile defense systems is capable of intercepting the Zircon.

It is worth noting that, in fact, the sea-based hypersonic missile was adopted by the RF Armed Forces in the summer of this year, as the head of the Ministry of Defense reported in August.




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