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The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants

Ramola D


Recently, I learned that Melanie Vritschan of ICATOR–International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and the Robotization of Human Beings–with whom I’ve done many podcasts helping to publicize and broadcast her work helping DEW/Neurotech victims of organized crime run by intelligence agencies and governments in Europe (see my Odysee/Lbry Ramola D Reports channels) was planning to hold an international conference to publicize an upcoming class action lawsuit. Which is no doubt an excellent initiative, and all power to those working to expose these crimes and bring the government and corporation criminals to justice.

But there is an issue she has raised, which provides blinding insight into how and why these crimes have remained hidden for decades from larger public view–and given that it involves me and my long-run work as an independent investigative journalist exposing these crimes so closely, I think it is important to publicly speak about.

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE… | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

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