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The Insufferable 1,547 Page Continuing Resolution Bill *WAS* a Massive “Omnibus” of Regulatory Effort Before Trump Takes Office

By Sundance 


The 1,547 page “continuing resolution bill” is available for review HERE.  They are calling this a “CR” (continuing resolution) bill to fund government.  However, only approximately 10 pages (15 to 25) are the funding mechanism; the rest is a regulatory construct, an attempt to circumvent the Trump administration, and position the federal government to defend against structural changes President Trump is intending to initiate.

Within THE BILL, in an effort to force Republicans to support it, there is a section approximately 500 pages, that spends and directs $100 billion for disaster relief in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina following the devasting late season hurricanes.  The disaster relief portion should be a stand-alone bill but is included in the massive omnibus spending package because it creates votes to support.

President Trump is well aware of the mechanics inside the Omnibus (CR) package and, together with Elon Musk, has announced his opposition to it.

President Trump is urging congress to pass only the portion of the bill that would tie up loose ends and keep government funded before he takes office next month.  His direction is to raise the government’s borrowing authority –debt ceiling– and extending government funding.

Doing a short-term funding CR means lawmakers must strip out all the non-funding elements backed by Democrats.  This would allow only Republicans to pass the bill.  The stuff Democrats want would be removed.  Currently the Democrats are aligned to support the bill and vote for it because the majority of the bill is toxic regulatory changes…


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