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The Latest Young People To “Die Suddenly” – Mockingbird Media Continues To Run Interference For Their Sugar Daddies At Big Pharma

By  Tim Brown 


While Lisa Marie Presley may not be considered young, she was definitely in the spotlight late this week when she was rushed to the hospital in cardiac arrest.  On Friday, we learned she had succumbed to her heart attacks and still there are those that won’t even question whether she had the experimental COVID shots and those had the prescribed effect intended.  However, there are many ordinary young people aged in their 20s to 40s who have lost their lives and still, self-professed journalists in the Mockingbird media would rather and label people with honest questions about their deaths who question the role of the shot in their deaths as “conspiracy theorists.”  Here’s three people, among dozens if not hundreds or thousands, this week that died suddenly and their deaths may have ultimately resulted from taking the COVID shot.

UPitt Pharma student Lindsay Heck has #diedsuddenly at 25 years old




Caravan To Midnight

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