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The Manchurian President

By Edward Haugland 

The Manchurian President

The way to crush the bourgeoisie [the middle class]

is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation[1] – Lenin

My opinion – As a former intelligence analyst and practitioner with over thirty-years of experience in national security across multiple executive departments, intelligence agencies, and defense organizations and services – is that President Biden is not only compromised but exemplifies the ultimate Manchurian President.  I also see him as a traitor to our nation – plain and simple. His actions and deeds, controlled by those we do not yet see, are purposefully destroying our democracy, our legal system, our freedoms, independence, and our republic.  I use Lenin’s quote – as it exemplifies the progressive left’s tactics, using today’s information-age technologies, in concert with our adversaries to destroy our nation, advance their vision of tyranny, ultimately to subjugate the people into pre-defined enclaves.  One enclave for the self-anointed liberal elites with security, protection, and wealth for the so called “socialists.” The other for the subjugated masses to be forever pitted against one another to ensure the longevity of the self-anointed elite.

It is not hard to see the future of America under this Manchurian President.  He and his lemmings of the left have created the future they see for the rest of America. They’ve done so in areas they’ve controlled for decades.  One need not look further than Washington D.C., Baltimore, New York, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other liberal progressive cities – where the dependent constituents are dependable useful idiots, working on a new expanded plantation of government dependency, in which no one really cares about brown, black or other lives – as long as the murders remain on “that” side of the track.

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