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The Murderous Ideologies Behind COVID-19

By Wayne Lusvardi


Viruses are Detergents But C-19 is an Injectable-Only Bioweapon


All viruses are good.  “(Natural) Viruses are detergents.
AIDS was invented in a lab at UCLA in 1961-62 to study cancer (funded by DOD).
AIDS, Swine Flu and SARS-2 are bioweapons (not viruses)
The only way to ‘catch’ a bioweapon is by injection.”
– Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD.

When so many corporate and government fiefdoms are dependent on COVID-19 money in a time of historic economic contraction, occupational and advertising ideologies develop to redefine what viruses are. Ideology is not a mere idea or scientific definition but a rationale to cover up economic interests, such as free enterprise ideology covering up a monopoly economy, communism camouflaging oligarch wealth concentration or vegetables are health food not poisons.  George Bernard Shaw expressed it this way: “Every profession (occupation) is a conspiracy against the laity”.   Sociologist Peter Berger describes how occupational ideology operates: “it is much easier to deceive ourselves, given that, the liar, by definition, knows he is lying, but the ideologist does not.”  So, getting an accurate conception of bugaboo viruses is nearly sociologically impossible in a welfare capitalist state due to so many vested interests by those in power and secrecy surrounding bioweapons.

An outcast un-monetized group of retired doctors who have no economic stake in COVID-19, credibly state there is no such thing as a virus.  They point out that a virus has never been isolated in a lab or taken from a sick person and given to healthy people where it made them sick.  Nor has any virus study ever included a control group. Below is a sociologically informed attempt to separate ideology from what is knowable about viruses and C-19…


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