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The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing

By Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am working on a new essay titled The Victimization of Anthony Fauci, to be published within the next few days, however, I had to take a few moments today to write this shorter piece about Covid/genomic testing.

I cannot stress how important this is! If you wish to take a deeper dive, you’ll find a list of the essays I’ve written on this subject at the end of this piece. What I discuss here is an extension of my essays W’aR, specifically about testing, and The Three Faces of Evil, about Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden. I am working on a new essay titled The Victimization of Anthony Fauci, to be published within the next few days, however, I had to take a few moments today to write this shorter piece about Covid/genomic testing.

Everything about this pandemic was carefully planned and anyone who doesn’t see it either hasn’t bothered researching it properly (and doesn’t care) or knows full well what’s going on (and doesn’t care or is a part of it)…

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