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The New World Will Be Good and Stay Good

By Rolaant McKenzie


The Incredibles (2004) was the first of two American animated films directed by Brad Bird that followed the lives of Bob and Helen Parr, husband and wife superheroes known as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl, as they tried to live a quiet normal suburban life with their three children.

Due to multiple lawsuits for collateral damage and personal injuries because of their efforts to protect and rescue people with their superhuman abilities, public sentiment began to turn against Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and other superheroes. In response to this, the United States government settled all legal claims and created the Superhero Relocation Program, which banned all “supers” from using their powers in public and forcing them into hiding with civilian identities and occupations.

Fifteen years later, living in Metroville, Illinois, with Helen and their children Violet, Dash, and baby Jack-Jack, Bob was bored and frustrated with his job as a claims adjuster and missed the glory days of being a superhero. His desire to help people with his superpowers opened the door to an opportunity he did not expect, and it drew his whole family into a confrontation with a supervillain that tested the limits of their individual powers and ability to work together as a family.

The movie included a brief moment of a television interview with Mr. Incredible. Though said humorously, he made an observation to the interviewer that suggested the tendency to disorderliness in the world:

“No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know? For a little bit. I feel like the maid. I just cleaned up this mess. Can we keep it clean for ten minutes?!”

The Parr family defeated the villain and saved the people of Municiberg, California, from his evil designs. As a result, the law banning superhero activity was discontinued, making the “supers” legal again…


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