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The Phony MLK “Holiday”

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Should Martin Luther King’s birthday be a national holiday? If you ask those who say that it should be, they would probably say something like this. “King was the most important figure in the civil rights movement, and his great speech ‘I Have a Dream,’ delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington in 1963, is the finest expression of the ideal of racial equality. Tragically, he was assassinated in 1968. Making his birthday a holiday shows our commitment to the sort of society he favored.”

I would argue that, on the contrary, these very “justifications” for the holiday are precisely why it should not be recognized. King’s “civil rights” activities aimed at destroying a free society. In fact, he was closely allied with the Communist Party and a number of his closest advisers were Communist Party members. Moreover, King was a disreputable character; he was a serial adulterer and plagiarist. Let’s look at the record.

The great literary critic and historian Richard M. Weaver, who wrote Ideas Have Consequences, pointed out in 1957 that the civil rights movement was Communist inspired. Instead of class warfare, the usual Communist tactic, it tried to incite racial warfare to promote revolution. Here is what Weaver said:

“The common people often perceive elemental things which the over-educated cannot see. That they have been right in identifying this as the opening tactic of Communism in this country now seems beyond question. We can observe in a number of areas how “racial collectivism” is being used as a crowbar to pry loose rights over private property. There was a time when ownership of property gave the owner the right to say to whom he would and would not sell and rent.

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