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The “Public Health” Con Job

By Tom Woods

Last week I told my newsletter audience about an angry reader who had written to me, in response to an issue of the newsletter that I’d written about Moderna, that most people had simply moved on and I should just let all this go.

Why are you still so hung up on this? Get over it. Move on. Live life. Or is this what your people still want to hear? I actually got so sick of your stance on this a couple years ago I unsubscribed and have ignored you since. And this comes from someone who was not a supporter of the vaccine or its mandates. You just became so obsessed with your anti-vax stance that you became sickening to any sane person.

So, I was surprised to see this email, and see that you still have an unhealthy obsession with these companies and old, bad, policies. I am just here to say get over it. Move on. Or get help.

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