Before we get to the racism disguised by these altruistic red flag laws, let’s examine why there’s such a call for them in the first place.
The idea that mass shootings are based on mental health issues seems sensible, as we would like to think nobody in his right mind can commit these atrocities, but that line of thought is as wrong as those who choose to blame the gun.  Psychologists understand there is a perfect storm of strain and stress that can cause anybody to go on a rampage when certain factors are culminated and met.
Academic circles know that mental health is often wrongly blamed for these tragedies, mostly by the mass media, who like to diagnose mass shooters themselves postmortem.  However, statistical research shows that less than 5% of those suffering from any sort of mental illness ever become violent.  Some emerging studies go on to argue that even the most severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia actually reduce the likelihood of violent behavior relative to the non-suffering population.  What is even worse is that those with these serious mental illnesses are way more likely to be the victims of violence instead.