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The REAL reason transgender groomers are targeting America’s children

By David Kupelian

Twitter recently banned the term “groomer” as being “anti-LGBT.” However, “groomer” is precisely the right term to describe those involved in today’s widespread phenomenon of “gender activists” indoctrinating, seducing and flat-out recruiting American children into “identifying” as transgender. This has already led to countless children taking powerful and dangerous drugs, undergoing double mastectomies and chemical-or-surgical castration, resulting – tragically but not surprisingly – in an astronomical suicide rate. How can this possibly be happening in America?

Let’s start at the beginning, by clearly and unequivocally stating out loud today’s forbidden truth: It is literally impossible for a male to become a female, or for a female to become a male. Impossible.

The entire human race – which is to say, virtually all people of every ethnicity, skin color, religion, political ideology and socioeconomic status – recognized this obvious truth from the beginning of human life on earth until around 2013. That’s when the powerful LGBT lobby pressured and intimidated the notoriously weak-kneed American Psychiatric Association into de-pathologizing gender identity disorder in the fifth edition of its “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (so-called “DSM-5”), psychiatrists’ official “bible” for diagnosing mental illnesses…

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