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“The Reality And The Rhetoric Are Miles Apart” Biden Isn’t Fooling Anyone As Even His Fawning Media Stooges Are Calling Him Out [VIDEO]

By B.K. House

A reporter asks Biden if he will sign off on sending U.S. troops into Kabul to evacuate Americans who haven’t been able to get to the airport safely.

In utter defiance of widely known and reported facts on the ground, Biden states,

“We have no indication that they haven’t been able to get in Kabul through the airport.”

“We’ve made an agreement with the Taliban, thus far they’ve allowed them to go through, it’s in their interest for them to go through, so we know of no circumstance where American citizens carrying American passports are trying to get through to the airport. “

“But we will do whatever needs to be done to see to it they get there.”


Is he even lying at this point, or just so far gone he simply has no grasp on reality?

Not used to being called out by the loyal media-wing of his party, Biden struggles to respond to a reporter who said,

“You said there’s no circumstances where American citizens cannot get to the airport. That doesn’t really square with the images we’re seeing around the airport, with the reporting on the ground from our colleagues who are describing chaos and violence.”

“Are you saying unequivocally, that any American who wants to get to the airport, is getting there and is getting past the security barrier and to the planes where they want to go?”

Fact-checking is typically reserved only for Republicans:

The reality and the rhetoric are miles apart:

Here’s what separates Americans trapped in Afghanistan from the airport:

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