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The Secret Back Story Behind the Outright Treason of Adam Schiff

A Stone-cold Traitor Guilty of Spearheading
a Highly Organized Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Overthrow the POTUS

Schiff is also guilty of fomenting war with Russia based on a patently false pretext and bogus allegations!

State of the Nation

Very few understand that Russiagate was a highly organized Deep State conspiracy conducted by the Democrat Party to overthrow President Donald Trump and to start the hot phase of World War III with Russia.

KEY POINT: Members of the Global Intelligence Community know that Russiagate was actually coordinated by British Intelligence in order to provide the countless American co-conspirators plausible deniability.  In this proper context, Russiagate is just the latest of countless plots to subvert the American Republic conducted by the British-domiciled Black Nobility.  See CROWNGATE: THE GREATEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IN U.S. HISTORY

Toward that end, Congressman Adam Schiff was selected early on to spearhead this unparalleled act of treason and outright warmongering form his high perch in the U.S. Congress.


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