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The Sleeping Giant Has Awakened, Today Michigan, Tomorrow the Whole Nation – Protests Across America

As you are about to see, America the sleeping Giant is waking up!

Thousands of protesters turn out in Lansing, the capital in Michigan, to speak out against their constitutional rights being stripped away.

Watch this first drone footage video to get an idea of just how many people actually turned out.

Some unconfirmed reports claim there were over 300,000 concerned Americans who chose to express their thoughts today.

“Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people,” said Meshawn Maddock, an organizer of the protest with the Michigan Conservative Coalition,

Below this video you will see a live report from the ground, and the things people are saying may take you by surprise.

Patman Droneography Operation Gridlock – Lansing Michigan Protest – Drone Footage – Patman Droneography


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