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The term Hollywood derives from the holly tree.

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By  :The-Great-Work

Printed: March 9, 2020

The holly tree was used by Druids who were known for being priests and also wizards. The character of Merlin in the legend of King Arthur was a Druid wizard and he used a wand made of holly wood. Hollywood movies are forms of sorcery using psychology, subliminal messages, and manifestation through what is called “lesser magic” and bewitchment.

Today many actors in Hollywood practice witchcraft and kabbalah. The Kabbalah Centre International is located in Los Angeles California and many actors and entertainers are members including Madonna, Demi Moore, Brittany Spears, Ashton Kutcher, Rosie O’Donnell, and Mick Jagger. Most of them can be seen in photographs wearing the “red string” bracelet which represents the red Gevurah sephirot of the Kabbalah Tree which symbolizes fire, wrath, and judgement and this is all related to Mars despite the cover up. Mars is known as the “god of war” in Roman Mythology and the red string Kabbalah cult is covertly promoting a war and holocaust.


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