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The Texas School Massacre

I wish neither to add anything to nor subtract anything from President Trump’s condemnation of last Tuesday’s atrocity at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde TX, near San Antonio. Eighteen year old Salvador Ramos shot dead 19 elementary students and two brave teachers, who died trying to defend their young charges. How was it allowed to happen, and how do we stop it from happening again?

As usual politicians have been running around like headless chickens. No offense intended but none has been more headless than State Senator Roland Gutierrez, who wants to pass knee-jerk gun control laws. Since the shooting was almost certainly set up by the Correa Group, who would supply guns to shooters if need be, violating the Second Amendment is not the way forward.

Governor Greg Abbott, who comes across as a nice chap but a bit dim, no offense intended, wants to amend Texas’s mental health laws. Again this won’t stop further shootings. The key point to understanding mass shootings is that they are invariably organized. The motives of the shooter(s) is/are irrelevant, since the decision to kill is not theirs. They are just cogs in the wheel.

Our understanding of mass shootings has not moved on since the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012, which as all ya’ll will recall involved multiple shooters. The critical work of analysis and intelligence gathering has not been done, sadly leaving America wide open to further shootings. It’s personally frustrating for me, since none of the well-connected and influential people who get copies of my columns has been willing to pass them on to US lawmakers.



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One Comment

  1. Lenore Lenore June 2, 2022

    Not that hard people…when someone shows you a bag of dead cats, maybe SAY SOMETHING? Sheesh!

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