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The Totalitarian Nature of Mankind Rears Its Ugly Head

By George McClellan


New memories, fears, and hatred are being cultivated. Ukraine lies on Poland’s eastern border and, like Poland, was a country long since recovered from the scourges of WWII, but now being returned into another WWII-like battlefield of destroyed homes, blasted cities, and twisted dead bodies lying frozen in the snow. It’s where Russian forces once pushed the Nazis west to their annihilation, leaving in its wake near-total destruction.

It’s heartening that the Ukrainian Army is making Putin pay dearly for his invasion. Putin underestimated their resolve. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has turned into a heroic example of what authentic leadership means by refusing to leave, standing up to, and facing the Russian onslaught to inspire his countrymen. He shames the Western Leaders, especially our foreign policy and military buffoons, who stupidly believe the notion that “climate change” is the greatest threat to our national security and that they can do something about it.

This Russian assault on Ukraine was based entirely on Putin’s warning of not suffering NATO on his doorstep and his personal desire to reestablish a greater Mother Russia as a world contender. His army’s inability to accomplish its goals quickly shows it ain’t going to happen soon. In his death throes, he might take us with him.



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