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The troubling hyper-politicization of Washington, DC policing

by David J. Terestre

For 21 years of my life, I had the honor and distinction of working for the Washington, D.C. Police Department. I’m especially proud of the work and results the department achieved in the city’s Logan Circle area. That was my beat. I got to know the locals, fell in love with the neighborhood, and loathed the opportunistic criminal element that inhabited it. But I couldn’t help but notice over the years that there was an underlying current, one of expanding cultural change.

On any given day, it was a challenge to gain a pulse of the population of this place. Due to misleading media impact and heightened rhetorical language, it is a demanding task to identify any sincere public views or if they actually existed. The best example would be the police department’s involvement in maintaining order in our city. The police, who serve as the main arbiters of justice, seemed to have undergone a subtle transformation over time. The slow evolution of cultural indoctrination produced a vile political football that put police on the defensive for every action, with activists, academics, and of course, politicians spearheading the offensive push…

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