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THE UKRAINIAN COUP OF 2014: The Bidens Helped Neo-Nazis Rise to Power in Ukraine

Source: News Punch

Published: March 5, 2022

By: Sean Adl-Tabatabai

The current Russia-Ukraine conflict is being presented by the elite and mainstream media as “Russian aggression” towards “innocent” Ukraine who we are being told are just as liberal as the rest of us.
There’s one problem with this theory: It is completely false.
Below is a timeline with references detailing how Ukraine, with the aid of the U.S., became a full-blown Nazi state whose sole purpose was to stop Putin from thwarting their fascist plans for Europe:
President Putin Hates Globalism & Nazi Ideology
As has been documented numerous times, Russian President Vladimir Putin hates Nazis and has told Jews concerned by rising anti-Semitisim in countries like Ukraine that they are welcome in Russia anytime:
European Jews concerned by anti-Semitism are officially welcome in Russia, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.
“Let them come to us!” Putin told a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow with leaders of the European Jewish Congress.
“During the Soviet period they were leaving the country, and now they should return.”
Politico, 2016
Ukrainians Are Neo Nazis – But Nobody’s Allowed To Talk About It
For a number of years, the regime in Ukraine has become more and more sympathic with Nazi collaborators and ideology. In April 2015, Ukraine passed laws rehabilitating Nazis who had carried out ethnic mass murder during World War II, while banning all communist symbols in the country. This continued through 2017 where Soviet statues were torn down while Nazi ones were cleaned up and promoted throughout the country.
A growing number of Nazi activists were encouraged to take up arms and fight Russia, who consistently and passionately fought to save Ukraine from spiraling down this dark, fascist path.

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE… – The Bidens Helped Neo-Nazis Rise to Power in Ukraine

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