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The UN is a Terrorist Organization



And the U.S. should get out.

The United Nations arose out of the ashes and rubble of World War II with the promise of genuine international cooperation and lasting world peace. But that promise has long since turned into a cruel joke, as was vividly and revoltingly demonstrated on May 15, when for the first time in its history, the UN observed Nakba Day, the Palestinian Arabs’ lamentation over the “catastrophe” of the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948. Would the UN mark the founding of any other nation as a “catastrophe”? Of course not. But the august international body has become a mouthpiece for the most genocidally minded advocates of the “Palestinian” jihad, while the supporters of Israel lack both conviction and unity.

The centerpiece of the UN festivities was a vicious speech from Palestinian Authority President-For-Life Mahmoud Abbas, who at 87 years of age makes Old Joe Biden look youthful and vigorous. Abbas, now in the nineteenth year of the four-year-term to which he was elected in January 2005, lashed out at Britain and the U.S. for inflicting Israel upon the poor, suffering Palestinian people: “Britain and the United States, specifically,” he declared, “bear direct political and moral responsibility for the Nakba of the Palestinian people. They are the ones who participated in making our nation a victim, when they decided to establish and plant another entity in our historical homeland, and this for their own colonialist purposes. It was called a land without a people so that it would be given to Israel. The truth is that these countries, the Western [countries], wanted to get rid of the Jews and enjoy having them in Palestine – two birds with one stone.”

These statements, as you likely expect, are riddled with falsehoods. As The Palestinian Delusion demonstrates, the Jewish presence in the land that now comprises the State of Israel has been continuous for several thousand years. The Romans did formally expel the Jews from the area in 134CE, after the Bar Kokhba revolt, but many Jews never left; they remained there through the Arab invasion, the Turkish occupation, and up until the advent of the Zionist movement in the nineteenth century. That movement had its impetus in the work of Theodor Herzl and others, who argued that the persecution of Jews worldwide could be ended if they had their own land, and indeed, reclaimed the land of their forefathers, in which some had always remained. The impetus for this didn’t come from Britain and the U.S., but from Jews themselves…


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