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The War in Ukraine Is Racist, Too!

By John Klar


Per the mainstream media, the war in Ukraine is entirely about white supremacy.  Articles by the usual far-left racist agitators have proliferated, analyzing the conflict through a race-only lens.  Instead of proffering any solutions to save human lives (of any color) in Ukraine, or to maintain global stability, these efforts will achieve the opposite.  Conflating foreign conflicts into a global race war has no redeeming qualities.

The audacity of this race-hate bears close resemblance to the vile race-baiting propaganda that fueled destructive division by exploiting George Floyd’s death.  As with Floyd, anecdotes are being employed to stereotype an entire nation.  Fault for all evils is centered on race only.  No solutions or positives of any kind are offered.

A recent headline platforms obscure neo-Nazi groups: “White supremacists condemn Ukraine conflict as a ‘brother war’: some blame Jews.”  Why consult international foreign policy experts when the ADL can ferret out unknown right-wing groups such as the “Indiana Active Club” and “White Lives Matter” as authorities for direction on Ukraine?  Americans would never even know the irrelevant views of that minuscule minority if the far-left fascists weren’t mining it like gold flake to weaponize their race propaganda.



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