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The Wellness Company


With research and archival support from Liam Sturgess


Altruistic alternative healthcare empire, or intelligence operation?

The Wellness Company (TWC) is a one-and-a-half-year-old healthcare venture founded by a Canadian businessman named Foster Coulson. It offers a number of different services and products, ranging from dietary supplements to telehealth. TWC is particularly notable in the context of the COVID-19 crisis due to having some of the dissident health movement’s largest and most well-respected names in the United States and Canada on their leadership team, including Dr. Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch, and Julie Ponnesse.

By claiming to push back against the establishment healthcare system while offering a parallel alternative, TWC’s target clientele is the growing demographic of people made skeptical by government-decreed pandemic measures, such as masking and vaccine mandates.

USA Today featured TWC in a July 26, 2023 article, describing the company in surprisingly positive light:

“In the crucible of the global health crisis, a spark of resistance against established norms was ignited, culminating in the rapid growth of a unique healthcare entity: The Wellness Company (TWC). It stood and continues to stand unapologetically, advocating for medical freedom and affordable healthcare.” 

Though TWC’s stated purpose of becoming a fully-fledged parallel healthcare system sounds appealing, a closer look into this company reveals the involvement of some very questionable individuals. This, in turn, leads to explosive revelations regarding close ties to Big Pharma, and deep connections to the intelligence community—including TWC’s former Chief Marketing Officer, who brags about having secured “over 300 million dollars in contracts for Information Operations, PSYOP, and intelligence support.”

This story is long, but I am consciously publishing all current findings in one article as opposed to a series, in order to mitigate information warfare meddling. If, like me, you’ve been trying to get to the bottom of why the dissident healthcare movement is so saturated with chaos agents and bad actors, it behooves you to take the time to read this article in its entirety.

Tim Ballard’s sizzle fades

I’ve done everything in my power to ignore Tim Ballard, his non-profit organization Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), and the film The Sound of Freedom since its release in July of this year. I was bombarded with paid ads for the film on Twitter and Facebook, along with a torrent of pleas to donate to OUR, so I decided it was very likely just another propaganda piece aimed at sensationalizing and politicizing a very unfortunate reality in our world. In addition, there were bits of disconcerting information coming out about Angel Studios, its funders, and the filmmaker’s potential ties to unsavory deep state characters. Enough for me to take a hard pass.

That said, Tim Ballard and OUR have recently piqued my interest via other means. The first invitation to take a closer look came when I read an article written and published by Liam Sturgess, which reveals a surprising and bizarre crossover between the personnel of a biotechnology company called Predictive Technology Group (which claims to hold one of the largest biobanks—a biorepository for storing biological samples—in the world), and leading members of the OUR organization.

Liam Sturgess’ Newsletter
Leading human trafficking NGO has close ties with questionable genetics company Operation Underground Railroad, the human trafficking organization featured in the runaway hit movie, The Sound of Freedom, has strong ties with genetic technology company Predictive Technology Group

I found it compelling and disturbing that so many people appeared to have one foot in the anti-child trafficking world, with the other in the biotech world. To add to the weirdness, many of these same individuals appear to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), commonly known as the Mormon Church. Not only are a good number of the people running OUR Mormons, many of them are recent employees of the same genetic bio-banking company, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I’ve since learned through talking with friends in Utah that generally speaking, the Mormons have a reputation for being very interested, and heavily invested, in all things genetic, stemming from what one friend called “an obsession with heredity and genealogy.” I’ve also learned that there is thought to be a long-standing close relationship between the Mormon Church and US intelligence agencies. This piece in Deseret News published in November of last year does a good job of exploring the question and in addition, illuminates general insights into intelligence recruiting practices. It is no secret that Tim Ballard worked for many years as an undercover operator for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and prior to that, as an officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It should be noted the Deseret News is owned by LDS and is also based in Salt Lake City.

The second recent encounter with Ballard that led to further interest is this article published by VICE News in mid-September that outlined the troubled relationship that had developed between Tim Ballard and the elder LDS leadership. VICE obtained a statement issued from LDS President M. Russell Ballard (there is apparently no relation), denouncing Tim Ballard for allegedly leveraging his relationship with both Elder Ballard and LDS as a whole. According to Elder Ballard, Tim inappropriately sought to use the LDS name and power structure to garner public interest and increased funding for OUR. Elder Ballard admits he and Tim Ballard were previously close friends, but claims he has since cut ties with the younger Ballard. An excerpt of the statement published by VICE also claimed that Tim Ballard often displayed “messianic behavior.”

Around this same time, a series of anonymous women came forward with allegations that Tim Ballard engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior and “spiritual manipulation.” This has been covered widely in mainstream media…


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