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The Yad Vashem Claims These Jews Were Murdered By the Nazis. They’re Actually Alive and Giving “Holocaust” Lectures



Israel’s Yad Vashem is widely considered to be the authority on “Holocaust” history and remembrance.

The organization claims to have millions of documents and testimonies proving that 6 million Jews were murdered during World War II.

Millions of names of individual Jews purported to have been killed are commemorated at the museum’s “hall of names,” which can be searched by the public in its Shoah Victims database form. A common response to revisionist challenges is to point to this and say “where did they go then?”

According to the page:

Yad Vashem, together with its partners, has collected and recorded the names and biographical details of millions of victims of systematic anti-Jewish persecution during the Holocaust (Shoah) period. Close to four million eight hundred thousand of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices are commemorated here. This database includes information regarding victims of the Shoah: those who were murdered and some whose fate has yet to be determined.

The names of more than one million victims remain unknown – and time is running out. It is our collective moral imperative to persist in our efforts to recover their names and restore their identities.

After a small and randomized study of the Yad Vashem archives, National Justice can report that after a search of approximately 15 famous Holocaust survivors, five are listed as having been explicitly murdered, in some cases multiple times.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Many Holocaust survivors go by names like Joe, Fred, and Henry — not likely to be what they were assigned at birth. Many female ones have changed their names through marriage. Others have changed their names, especially those who moved to Israel or America after the war.

Yet, even with all of this in mind, the results are shocking.

Dario Gabbai

Dario Gabbai, who died in March 2020, became famous for claiming to have been a Sonderkommando who helped gas Jews at Auschwitz. He was exposed by Dean Irebud in 2012 as a fraud.

Gabbai, born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1922, is listed in the Yad Vashem archives as having been “murdered” at Auschwitz three times.

Benjamin Lesser

Benjamin Lesser is the founder of the Zachor Holocaust Memorial Foundation. Lesser claims to have survived Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau, and currently tours the country telling Holocaust stories. He has been featured prominently in the media…


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