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There are still schools punishing children with COVID-19 restrictions

By Zachary Faria

How is it that schools in some liberal cities are still enforcing absurd COVID-19 restrictions for children two years after it has become clear that children are not at serious risk from the virus?

Major school districts in New York City, Chicago, Washington D.C., and Loudoun County, Virginia, all have quarantine rules that prevent unvaccinated children from attending school if they are considered a close contact of someone who gets COVID-19. Washington Examiner investigative reporter Sarah Westwood detailed these policies, including Washington D.C. forcing children to stay home for five days, with no option of testing negative to return early. Instead, children must test negative to return after the five days are up and be forced to wear a mask for five more days.

The politicians, bureaucrats, and administrators imposing these policies are brazenly disregarding the needs of children and the facts about COVID-19 that have been made crystal clear during the pandemic. The same goes for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention bureaucrats, whose recommendations that close contacts quarantine for five days and children still be forced to wear masks give cover to the anti-science zealots who refuse to let children return to school as normal…

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