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There has never been more massive gaslighting than what The Swamp is doing over voter fraud

By JD Rucker

Who’s doing it? Mainstream media. Big Tech. Every Democrat lawmaker. Even many (most?) Republican lawmakers are on board with the attack on our national psyche.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.

According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”

Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

This is all about suspending disbelief, and unfortunately it’s working. While tens of millions of Trump supporters (and even many of his detractors) know in their hearts that the President won in a landslide, we’re being made to believe we’re the crazy ones for not accepting the false narrative that Joe Biden won. It isn’t just the usual suspects on the left, either. Many, perhaps most Republican lawmakers have jumped on board the Biden train as they look forward to returning to what they hope is the status quo in DC. It won’t be, but that’s a topic for future discussion.

Everyone from Mitch McConnell and John Thune to some of the formerly reliable members of conservative media are trying to gaslight us into believing that either Biden won or that we do not have the evidence to prove otherwise. Both are false, but that’s not stopping Republican scoundrels from embracing the lie.

Senator Pat Toomey (R- PA) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” President Donald Trump should accept the outcome of the 2020 election. Toomey said, “I think the president should accept the outcome of the election.”

He added, “He had every right to challenge these votes, he had every right to recounts and to litigate. He has done all of those things in my state of Pennsylvania. He’s drawn conservative Republican judges who’ve dismissed these cases for a lack of any credible evidence.”

If we know for a fact that President Trump won in a landslide and The Swamp is trying to install their guy instead, what can be done about it? Every legal challenge has been swimming upstream against a river of rejection. Most state legislatures have fallen short of being able to mount a serious effort to contest their electors. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate seem poised to accept the fraudulent electors as well. What are patriots who are willing to defend the Constitution supposed to do in the face of so much gaslighting?

First and foremost, we must pray. As I wrote this morning, we need a miracle, and that’s a positive development. The United States needs a reminder that even when the forces of darkness are unified against us, our sovereign and omnipotent God is able to bring the truth to light. That’s not to say He WILL do it; we must not presume to understand His plan. But we must still pray for the light to shine again on our nation, and if it’s His will for the truth to prevail, then it will be so.

We must also continue to fight the good fight. If there’s one silver lining to this whole situation, it’s that the enemy was forced to expose themselves more fully than they’ve ever been exposed before.

It’s not just most of mainstream media, as many of us once thought. It’s ALL of mainstream media that’s controlled by the forces of darkness.

It’s not just a handful of RINOs on Capitol Hill who hate us. It’s nearly ALL Republicans who are enamored by and beholden to The Swamp. They are not lesser-evils compared to the Democrats. They’re the same evil in different clothing.

And perhaps most importantly, we’ve learned that foreign influence over our nation is far greater than anyone imagined. There are those who have been warning for years that the Chinese Communist Party, George Soros, the United Nations, Iran, Russia, and other foreign bodies are exerting tremendous pressure on us. Even these folks have to be at least a little surprised by just how much control they truly have.

With this knowledge, it’s imperative that regardless of the outcome of the election we must address this threat as our top political priority. Some will say that no political solution can overcome the juggernaut of control, but that doesn’t mean we stop fighting it. We need to address it culturally, politically, spiritually, and through the media outlets that are willing to speak the truth. There are fewer than I ever imagined, which is why the honest and bold ones must be made to rise in prominence.

If that sounds a little self-serving as one of the outlets in that category, so be it. I’m tired of sites like NOQ Report, The Gateway Pundit100percentfedup, and others being dismissed for delving into the “fringe.” The truth is hidden on the fringes, so it’s natural we’d take the flak. Stop getting your news from the mainstream or Big Tech and start visiting truth-telling aggregators like The Liberty DailyCitizen Free PressConservative Playlist, and Populist Press.

If you support President Trump, the Constitution, and the United States of America, then you MUST fight back with everything you have against this attempt to gaslight us. They may be right that we’re crazy, but that doesn’t mean we’re wrong.

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One Comment

  1. Greg Greg December 29, 2020

    You have it nailed!
    And we must all keep praying as you said.
    Thank you for your work to expose the truth.

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