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There’s No Rational Explanation For Return Of CONvid Restrictions, But There’s Evidence It’s Already Begun – Here’s What You Can Do

By Tim Brown 


There is no reason to impose Orwellian CONvid-1984 restrictions, and there are plenty of reasons why.  Masks simply don’t work, staying apart from people doesn’t work and more importantly, neither our government nor corporations, which are created by government, have been authorized to tell us about our health.  Furthermore, as Dr. Bryan Ardis points out, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was not checking air for COVID.  They were checking your wastewater, and it had nothing to do with a “virus” but purposeful poisoning of the people’s water supply.

However, Marie Hawthorne has an update on how some of these restrictions are already starting to rear their ugly heads again and what you can do about it following a whistleblower warning of incoming restrictions.  For many of us, we will simply not comply and loudly call out those who seek to impose them upon us.

Hawthorne writes:

Official channels have been quick to deny the return of any restrictions, and because Alex Jones said it, the average citizen dismissed it, too…


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