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‘They Should Not Have Been Prosecuted’: Trump Pardons 23 Pro-Lifers Targeted By Biden DOJ

‘This is a great honor to sign this,’ the president said

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday pardoning 23 of the pro-life activists targeted by President Joe Biden’s Justice Department.

“They should not have been prosecuted,” Trump said as he signed the order. “Many of them are elderly people. They should not have been prosecuted. This is a great honor to sign this.”

The pardons are for 23 “peaceful pro-life protesters who were prosecuted by the Biden administration for exercising their First Amendment rights.” They were prosecuted under the FACE Act and a Reconstruction-era felony conspiracy charge first used for the first time against pro-life activists by the Biden administration.

The Thomas More Society, the law firm representing the activists, had asked Trump to pardon 21 pro-lifers: Joan Bell, Coleman Boyd, Joel Curry, Jonathan Darnel, Eva Edl, Chester Gallagher, William Goodman, Dennis Green, Lauren Handy, Paulette Harlow, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, Jean Marshall, Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, Justin Phillips, Paul Place, Paul Vaughn, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, Calvin Zastrow, Eva Zastrow, and James Zastrow. 

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One Comment

  1. jw jw January 24, 2025

    Today is my birthday. I am 73 years old. Born Jan. 23, 1952

    In 1973 I was a student at the Univ. of Missouri in Columbia. I had also signed up for training in Army ROTC for helicopter training, expecting to enter the Vietnam War. I felt obligated to help, even though my lottery number was 348.

    During my semester I was taking a 5 hour Political Science class. I can remember how overwhelmed I felt having come from Mid-America Nazarene University with an average class size of 30-35, and now my class was 500. In our labs we were assigned to discuss and debate abortion, so we were to choose pro life or pro choice. I chose pro life.

    I can remember going to lab on my birthday. It was Tuesday, the day after Roe vs Wade was decided. I had been assigned leader over our small lab group arguing against abortion. The graduate student assigned to “teach” our class came in. He just came in and said, “There is no argument you can offer that is valid in support of pro choice, I’m giving you all Fs” He turned began exiting the room and turned and said to me, “… but because you were team leader I’m giving you a D-“. I was devastated, as were all of us.

    When I graduated high school, I was not top of my class. I was the best math student in my class but not an honors student. I had to work during high school which impacted my grades. However, I received a scholarship for Citizenship of my 1970 graduating class. I was a student of Raytown South High School in Raytown, Missouri, where my grandfather had been Marshal of Raytown. His name was Harry Lewis. I can still remember his favorite thing to do was go to Missouri state fair to catch pick pockets.

    Today I watched as Donald Trump pardoned “anti-abortion” protesters. I couldn’t be more happy for them.

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