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They ‘Wanted to Kill Me Because I am a Christian’

By  Raymond Ibrahim

The following are among the abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of October 2021:

The Muslim Slaughter of Christians

United Kingdom: On Oct. 15, Ali Harbi Ali, a 25-year-old Muslim man of Somali descent, lunged at and repeatedly stabbed British MP Sir David Amess with a knife. Amess, 69, died soon after. The murder took place inside Belfairs Methodist Church in Essex, where Amess had gone to meet with his constituents. Although initial reports indicated that the motive was unclear, police later declared it a “terrorist incident,” with “a potential link to Islamist extremism.” It is worth noting that, when it comes to severely persecuting and slaughtering Christians, Somalia is the world’s third-worst ranked nation, after Afghanistan (#2) and North Korea (#1).

Uganda: Two Muslim men murdered Pastor Barnabas Musana for his role in bringing Muslims to Christ. Discussing what happened, Pastor Simon Okot of the same church, Life of God Ministry, said that “In February 2020, the Muslims got irritated and furious when he said that Jesus is the Son of God and hence is more than prophet Muhammad. They shouted at him, and the church members whisked him away before they could mount an attack. Since then, he started receiving threatening messages that he should leave the area.” At that point, Musana stopped evangelizing and debating and spent his time training other evangelists. They, in their turn, won over 15 Muslims within six months. “This angered the Muslims most,” Okot continued, “and he was given a second warning to leave the area.” Before long, area Muslims began to harass their church: “Whenever they met me going to church,” said Okot, “some shouted at me, calling me, ‘Kafir! [infidel],’ and a[t] times they sent children to throw stones on the roof of the church to interrupt the service.” As for Pastor Musana, “Muslims started saying abusive things to him, his wife and two children, along with throwing stones on top of his roof at night. One of the killers, Faluku Gaju, at one time said that if he killed him, then Allah will reward him with Jannah [Garden Paradise] in a place called Firdausi [highest level of heaven], where the prophet will be”  Soon thereafter, Musana was found murdered; witnesses saw two local Muslims following him around earlier that day. His body was found “strangled and with numerous deep wounds and scars, caught in water plants at the river’s edge.”…


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