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‘They’re human scum!’ Trump B-slaps the Deep State Spygate cabal while hinting Stone, Manafort, and Flynn may get pardons

(TNS) During his daily coronavirus briefing on Sunday, President Donald Trump was asked by a reporter if he was considering pardoning friend Roger Stone and his one-time 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort, because ‘muh coronavirus.’

In answering the question, the president first hinted that pardons may, in fact, be planned. But then he launched into a classic broadside against the Deep State figures whose names we all know by now for their perpetuation of “Spygate” and their attempt to overthrow him.

Reporter: Mr. President, have you thought any more about pardoning Paul Manafort or Roger Stone so they’re not exposed to the coronavirus in jail?

Trump: Well, I just tell you this. Roger Stone was treated very unfairly. Paul Manafort, the black book turned out to be a fraud. We learned that out during the various last number of weeks or months. They had a black book that came out of Ukraine, turned out to be a fraud. Turned out to be a fraud. They convicted a man, turned out to be a fraud.

General Flynn was a highly respected person and it turned out to be a scam on him. The FBI said he didn’t lie and Mueller’s people wanted him to go to jail. Okay? So what am I going to do? You’ll find out what I’m going to do. I’m not going to say what I’m going to do, but I will tell you the whole thing turned out to be a scam, and it turned out to be a disgrace to our country, and it was a take down of a duly elected President.

These people suffered greatly. General Flynn, I mean, what they did to him, and even the FBI said, and they had some, and nobody’s a bigger fan of the FBI than me at the level of the people that really matter. But the top of the FBI was scum, and what they did to General Flynn, and you know it and everybody knows it, was a disgrace.

He was in the service for over 30 years. He ends up being a general and respected. Respected. And almost his first day in office, they come in with papers. They want to investigate him. Never happened before, and now the tables are turned. Investigate the investigators, I guess. These were crooked people. These are bad people. These are very dangerous people. You know what they are though? They’re scum. They’re human scum.


Relish this, conservatives.

We may never, ever see another Republican president with this much chutzpah and willingness to go toe-to-toe with his political opponents again in our lifetimes.



  1. Michael Bollinger Michael Bollinger April 21, 2020

    I didn’t vote for a President who “hints” at doing what is a no brainer. I followed Q a bit, tried to understand it and hoped what they say about arrests coming was true. The truth is, we were lied to. DJT is Deep State now too. There will be no trials, no arrests, no convictions. It just will not happen, even the IG is hiding the truth, and AG Barr is busily covering up for the traitors. Every single time we are told to “wait until we have control of 3 branches of government, THEN we will roll back the size and scope of government” The time passed between Jan 2017 and Jan 2019, and Republicans stood aside and allowed Democrats to roll over their elected President. It wasn’t a mistake, they weren’t be careful. They simply do not wish to make the changes necessary. The ONLY man who stood up for principle while $1,450,000,000,000 was borrowed for pork, and 550 Billion was borrowed to bail out people who really didn’t need it, named Massey. POTUS called him a Masshole. I say didn’t need it because, only 22 million were out of work. Government decided that 175 million people needed money.

  2. Ralph Evans Ralph Evans April 22, 2020

    If he’s saying this in public, this strongly,
    Indictments are on the way.

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