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This AntiChristian Pope Blesses Business Plans and Excommunicates Holy Christians

The Bergoglio’s Great Reset of Catholic Church

The title of this piece is a quote and paraphrase of an article published by the NYT on December 31, 2020: ”The Pope Blesses Business Plans”.

How can the head of a usurocratic and heretical material and immanentist Church like Bergoglio excommunicate the last apostle of a spiritual Church like Vigano as well as other churchmen and churchwomen guilty only of being faithful to tradition as the cloistered nuns of Burgos who try to resist the most recent doctrinal errors while remaining faithful to the consolidated teachings of the Fathers ?

And fighting the modernist and neoliberal ($$$) tendencies of Bergoglio’s Church.

I personally believe that only the control of the assets and yields of Catholic Church assures Bergoglio the paid loyalty of its clerics.

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