As negotiations around the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations restart, we must be vigilant in trying to convince governments, politicians and citizens that centralized, global power and control over human health and health information is not the pathway to better health.
Durk Pearson died recently. He was one of the pioneers of natural medicine — but really so much more than that, being a polymath.
Amongst Durk’s many endeavors; as a physicist, he developed guidance systems for cruise missiles; as a creative, he wrote screenplays for Clint Eastwood, such as “The Dead Pool”; as a longevity researcher, he kicked off the wellness revolution with his New York Times bestseller, “Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach,” and; as a freedom advocate, his case against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), won an appeal in the Supreme Court and brought by my colleague, now ANH-USA General Counsel, “FDA Dragon Slayer,” attorney Jonathan Emord, burst the doors open to a liberalized market for natural health products in which truthful structure/function claims could be made to inform consumer choice.
We ignore polymaths at our expense, and certainly the expense of future generations. Imagine if we’d ignored Aristotle, da Vinci or Turing? Or, in the East, if the Han Dynasty had ignored Zhang Heng?
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