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This Would Solve EVERYTHING!



I don’t want to exaggerate, but this would LITERALLY solve everything…

And it was all written into a simple and powerful little document called The Constitution almost 300 years ago!

Think the Constitution is boring?


Hard to understand?

Nothing could be further from the truth!

I have an incredible story to share with you that will open your eyes and show you how the United States Constitution could literally solve all of our problems…and quickly!

And it comes courtesy of one of the Brunson Brothers — Loy Brunson.

You’ve probably heard a lot about the Brunson Brothers (I also call them the TRUMPet Brothers) Supreme Court case….

….but do you know much about who they are?

Their story is incredible!

They kind of came onto the scene from nowhere (remember how Bo Polny keeps telling us it will happen “suddenly” and in a 24 hour period and how no one will see the plan coming? Well they certainly fit the bill!).

But the funny thing is they had some relative fame already as TRUMPet players before doing any of this work with the Supreme Court.

I’ve posted a little bit about their trumpet playing before, but now I want to introduce you to Loy Brunson, the Brunson brother who seems to be the Legal Eagle (not to take anything away from the other four).

But OH MY is he incredible!

THIS is what all of our elected officials should sound like!

Can you imagine a Congress filled with 535 people like this guy?

Our country would change overnight!

We would be the shining city on a hill…the envy of all nations!

And yet we can a fat buffoon who can’t even wear pants properly (you all know who I mean), pencil neck (you know him), bat-crazy Nancy and Chuckie Schumer.  Just to name a few.

But you have to check this guy out…

This may be one of the best videos you ever watch.

Listen as he explains how the Constitution literally solves EVERY problem we have…

Like taxes.

Many of you know this, but we didn’t have the IRS until 1862!

Our country served perfectly well — and thrived — for over 100 years without taxes!

Why didn’t we have them?

Because it turns out they are actually Unconstitutional!

Brunson explains.

It’s all right in the Constitution!

He covers a ton of other topics too, but my favorite was his finding of what he calls the “Interpretation Clause” in the 9th Amendment.

He says he was the first to discover it, and I think he’s right because I searched for “Interpretation Clause Constitution” and nothing comes up in search results.

And yet, there it is plain as day….ignored for decades and centuries!…


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