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Three items on health as a tool of oppression, but really just one item: Links 2, April 23, 2020


by Eeyore


1. Canada’s shameful legacy of communist traitors in positions of influence

Quote verified here.

Then of course, the notorious communist agent, Dr. Norman Bethune, who went to China during the Mao years, not to help the peasants, but to offer medical services to the communist guerillas.

Dr. Norman Bethune: China’s Hero, Canada’s Traitor

Virtually unknown in Canada, and certainly unheralded, Dr. Norman Bethune was magnified and glorified by Mao and Chinese communists who declared him a national hero.

Bethune was not in China to help humanity. It was not sick people he tended, but wounded communist soldiers. So Canadians became conditioned to the idea that by publicly revering Bethune, it gave them an advantage with the Chinese. The irony is that were Bethune alive, he’d be outraged and horrified at how he is manipulated.

2. Speaking of WHO, Laura Ingram suggests having a hard look at the communist organization with Mike Pomeo





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