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TikTok Mom Gives Ridiculous Explanation About Why She Began Transitioning Her Son to a Female When He Was Just TWO YEARS OLD! [VIDEO]

By Amber Crawford


The mother of a four-year-old boy uses her social media accounts to promote her son’s transition to a female. Her reasoning for why she is transitioning him is because he likes to dress up and didn’t want to play tee ball.

When her child was one and a half years old, he apparently wanted to play dress up with his older sister and wanted his fingernails painted.

When he was two years old, he would play dress up at preschool which was another big sign to his parents that he wanted to be a girl. However, just a few years ago, the woke left’s argument was that boys should be able to play dress up and participate in stereotypical “female” activities without being judged as exhibiting irregular behavior.





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