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Title 42 is a border enforcement red herring

Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government

by Simon Hankinson

That the Supreme Court has kept Title 42 alive for a little longer isn’t bad news, but it’s no victory for effective border control. Title 42, a public health law allowing U.S. border officials to eject foreigners summarily, is a distraction from the real issue: the deliberate choice of a president to open our national borders in reckless disregard for both U.S. law and the national interest.

The Biden administration has been trying to get rid of Title 42 since Inauguration Day. Still, Title 42 has been kept in the government toolbox due to lawsuits by Texas, Arizona, and other states that argue that ending it would lead to massive increases in illegal arrivals and thus cost them money. Since March 2020, the law has been used to expel more than 2 million illegal immigrants because of COVID-19 risks. Title 42 is effective because it doesn’t allow immigrants to claim a “credible fear” of persecution, a necessary step in later applying for asylum. This keeps them off U.S. soil and out of the Mayorkas Migration Machine…

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