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To Fight Marxist Education, We Need a New Kind of School

By J.B. Shurk


What is the antidote to “wokeism”?  Knowledge.  How do ordinary people resist the growing tyranny of State power?  By questioning everything they’re told.  How can people being controlled fight back?  By remembering that they alone control their thoughts.

You knew these answers without my help.  Variations of them are entwined with our cherished cultural beliefs.  Knowledge is power.  A mind is a terrible thing to waste.  The truth will set you free.  In the past, perhaps, these idioms were too often seen as nothing more than inspirational bromides one might find embroidered on a decorative bookmark.  Now their gospel truths are strikingly clear.  Stupidity breeds weakness.  Obedience kills critical thinking.  Ignorance invites enslavement.  Wisdom ameliorates suffering.  Imagine how much stronger America would be today if America’s children understood these vital lessons.

That last point gets to the nub of it, does it not?  The Educational Establishment, much like the Political Establishment, is not vested in helping young minds grow.  It is interested in placing children in small, windowless boxes and slapping them back should their curiosity dare to poke an occasional hole exposing the illuminated world of knowledge just beyond their grasp.  It is committed to preventing young minds from ever acquiring the essential tools necessary for unlocking limitless potential.  It seeks good “woke” soldiers, not true thinkers.  Thinking is dangerous to any system of control.  Asking “why?” is the dirtiest of words in a system dependent upon intellectual conformity.  Indoctrination, not enlightenment, is the game today.  Those desperate to drink unquenchably from the cup of knowledge must sate their thirst away from the prying eyes of government-controlled institutions, where wrongthink is punished and groupthink is praised.



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