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To Stop Climate Change Americans Must Cut Energy Use by 90 Percent, Live in 640 Square Feet, and Fly Only Once Every 3 Years, Says Study


Researchers admit there are absolutely no current examples of low-energy societies providing a decent living standard for their citizens.


Examples of “evidence of Climate Change” cited by advocates of the idea:

No, in fact, hurricanes are neither more frequent nor more intense. NOAA’s ability to detect hurricanes has improved (largely due to satellite imagery) explains any increase in the number of storms identified as “tropical” in any year. As to the damage in dollar amounts this is due to the increased amount of coastal development that has occurred*.

*connected mostly to subsidized flood insurance that incentivizes development in coastal regions and in flood plains.

“Sea Level” rise is causing street flooding in coastal communities like Charleston, SC and Miami, FL

Again, this is due to the increased amount of coastal development that has occurred due to local government incentives and the aforementioned subsidy of Federal Flood Insurance without the necessary improvements in drainage infrastructure that such development requires.

Not to mention, California wildfires, which again are no more frequent than historically but simply affect an increased population of denser development.

If you want to argue for increased taxation for spending on drainage infrastructure and emergency protection (fire and flood) in your local community, by all means do so. But stop trying to pretend that conditions that have existed where you live for thousands of years are something new and something imposed on you by “outside others” requiring taxation on those “others” to “correct”.

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