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Top White House Cyber Official On Camera: “They Can’t Say It Publicly”

By Tim Brown

I’m always amazed at what some of these criminals in government will say when they don’t think anyone is recording or paying attention.  James O’Keefe has been doing this for years in exposing the corrupt by getting them to just talk.  How they are ignorant of who he is and continue to speak is beyond me, but there is a new video highlighting top White House Cyber Official Charlie Kraiger.

According to the video, what is not being in the open is that it appears that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not wanted.

The video description states:

Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can’t say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @potus @JoeBiden mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”

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