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By  pwsbuilder

By Pentagon Pedophile Task Force


The confusion that reigns throughout the country regarding President Donald J. Trump, and what some believe to be Trump’s continuing role in leadership as the acting Commander in Chief of the United States Military, received a massive dose of clarification this week when loser TV general Michael Flynn started running his mouth.

TV general Flynn finally blew his own cover this week when he stated during an interview that members of the House and Senate are compromised by “sleeping with children”.

“House of Representatives” is totally owned by their “corporate lobbyists” and “frankly by the Globalists who own many of these people because they’ve been compromised on their – some of these – what they call codel trips overseas where these members of both the House and the Senate get compromised by sleeping with children,” Flynn said.

The fact that politicians, judges, officials, and others are harvesting, torturing, raping, murdering, and cannibalizing children is something that has been KNOWN to President Trump for a long, long time.

Trump played no games whatsoever with international organized crime and issued several Executive Orders that attacked the international cartels and ordered their assets seized.

Flynn’s pathetic attempt to remain relevant inadvertently shed light on a battle taking place between what military whistleblower Jessie Marie Czebotar calls the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights Templar and/or the Luciferian Brotherhood, and the actual United States Military that serves and protects We The People.

Jessica marie zebrowa interviewed by fbi.

Czebotar has provided an amazingly detailed amount of information and explains how the Luciferian Brotherhood, and many other sections of secret societies, have set up their very own satanic government inside the United States of America, and abroad.

Understanding what is happening with the military can be reached if you understand the REAL story, which begins with the mass media storage of child torture, rape, and murder videos (snuff films) (also known as “The Kraken” that Attorney Sidney Powell threatened to release), touted by Flynn’s colleague, former Georgia attorney Lin Wood, in the Tweet storm Wood launched shortly before the chaos on January 6, 2021 in Washington DC, that was orchestrated by the FBI and others.

Flynn’s statement this week about the House and Senate “sleeping with children” is actually a thinly veiled BLACKMAIL and EXTORTION threat hidden in plain sight, as Flynn, Wood, Powell, and others, desperately attempt to regain control in the wake of the fake RICO charges brought against President Donald Trump and others by Fulton County DA Fani Willis in Georgia.

History shows Flynn, Powell, Wood, and a long list of slimy characters they run with never made a peep about crimes against children until Donald J. Trump became President.

Flynn was a National Security Advisor for President Donald Trump during the first 22 days of the Trump Administration, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016. Evidence shows Flynn was an FBI plant in a conspiracy where Flynn would allow himself to be charged with a felony (lying to the FBI) so the false appearance could be created that Trump was tied to Russia, Russia, Russia, through fake fall-guy Flynn.

Trump fired Flynn.

Having been fired by Trump in early 2017, Flynn and his nasty colleagues began pumping Flynn up as the “People’s General” encouraging people to “Fight like a Flynn” and spreading the word that the “Deep State” feared Flynn because he knew where all the bodies were buried (which is likely true).

Flynn himself states he was a career psychological operations specialist for the U.S. Army during his 33-year career.

After Flynn was fired by Trump, timed releases of information that cast Flynn as a hero and warrior were done to coincide with his PSY-OP called “Q” and/or “QAnon”.

On August 5, 2017, Roger Stone tweeted, “Gen Flynn has a list of high level pedophiles the release of which will decimate the Deep State dons #Netherlands”.

The first documented “Q” drop appeared on October 28, 2017.

President Donald Trump was the Commander in Chief of the United States Military following his 2016 win against Clinton, fully in control, and had absolutely NO NEED to head-up a PSY-OP called “Q” and/or “QAnon”. The plotters have created the illusion that Trump headed-up the “Q team” and was referred to as “Q+”.

The “list of high level pedophiles” referred to by Roger Stone was likely the names, places, and events that were set forth in the sworn affidavits of Jessie Marie Czebotar, who was working with David Lester Straight.

In 2019, Straight claimed he was a former Navy SEAL, agent of the United States Secret Service, coordinating with First Lady Melania Trump, and serving on a Presidential commission under President Donald Trump, to gather evidence and intelligence of “human trafficking” and “judicial corruption” which, Straight said, he turned over to his JSOC contacts at the U.S. Department of Defense headquarters (The Pentagon).

Straight had gathered troves of evidence of crimes against children and told Timothy Charles Holmseth that he (Straight) watched videos of “Mike Pence” raping a little boy. Straight told Holmseth he believed Pence had a “gun to his head”.

In 2020, a former Truth and Taxation judge from Minnesota named Randi Lynn Erickson, who was using Straight as a liaison to JSOC and the U.S. Army Intelligence Support Activity, began receiving death, mutilation, and torture threats from a gaggle of Navy SEALS, FBI, and special forces operatives who were claiming association with U.S. Army General Mark Milley, retired General Michael Flynn, retired Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore, and a high-profile FBI agent.

Erickson, seeing no real activity on the evidence she was turning in to Straight, bypassed Straight, developed her own contacts, and began turning over the Czebotar affidavits to the United States Military at Fort Campbell, as well as filing the affidavits into the United States District Court.

The affidavits have subsequently been submitted to President Trump’s attorneys, as well as being received by U.S. Representative Jim Jordan; sent to Jordan by Czebotar herself who is requesting to testify before Congress and the Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee.

Erickson and Timothy Charles Holmseth both filed the death threats by SEALS and FBI and military brass into the U.S. Courts.

An image of a document with a black background.

Czebotar’s affidavits provide details of murder and cannibalism, and/or other occultic activity, that is being committed by high level government officials, U.S. Presidents, a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and world leaders, many of whom she names, in what she calls the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights Templar and/or the Luciferian Brotherhood…


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One Comment

  1. GD Johnson GD Johnson February 11, 2024

    Wow B, what a wake up call.

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