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Trans Daycare Molester Scores Plea Canceling Prison Time



A prosecutor is defending the decision to sign off on a plea deal getting a “transgender” convicted of sexually molesting an infant out of prison time.

The Spectator had the exclusive Feb. 9 on McCracken County Commonwealth’s attorney Dan Boaz’s excuses about the plea bargain. According to Boaz, the 300+ days the sexual criminal already served in jail was sufficient punishment, versus the 12-month sentence he received after pleading guilty. “Maria” Childers, a biological male who pretends to be a woman, was charged with “one count of first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under twelve and three counts of first-degree criminal abuse of a child under twelve.”

The daycare worker was accused by his coworkers of inappropriate touching and rubbing a baby’s private parts while changing her diaper. Childers reportedly claimed the baby “liked” what he was doing to her. Childers was released in January and scored a plea deal. As FBI whistleblower Steve Friend tweeted, “The social compact is broken. Our governments are willing to sacrifice children upon the altar of tranny madness.”

Childers, who was in McCracken County Jail in solitary confinement, already had his bond reduced from $100,000 to $5,000. Childers’ lawyer Madison Leach, whom the Spectator also identified as a transgender activist, had complained that Childers didn’t have access to his estrogen “treatments.” If only Childers had not had access to the baby, he molested…

The deal saw the felony charges dropped down to a single misdemeanor count of class A sexual misconduct. Judge Joe Roark sentenced Childers to a twelve-month penalty, but with a conditional discharge for six months. If Childers abides by conditions set by the court, he will serve no time in prison…

Boaz said he did not “approve of the actions of the defendant” but claimed the child “did not have any physical injury” and that Childers had worked at the daycare for over a year without any other substantiated complaints and had no prior criminal history.

And if we’re lucky, Childers can become a repeat offender! According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, as of 2019, half of released sex offenders “had a subsequent arrest that led to a conviction…


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One Comment

  1. Sean Crawford Sean Crawford February 11, 2024

    Shoot the bastard in the crotch and let him bleed out.

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